IPDP Essential Questions
As you complete your IPDP there are several essential questions you need to keep in mind. These questions are to guide your writing and are the framework for the rubric we have to use to score your IPDP.
1. Is PD (professional development) purposefully structured to occur over time?
2. Is the focus of the IPDP based on an examination of multiple sources of data?
3. Does the IPDP provide opportunities for the individual to work with other educators?
4. Does the IPDP meet the needs and experiences of an adult learner?
5. Is a combination of evaluative measures planned to assess the effectiveness of PD over time?
6. Does the IPDP advance the educator’s content knowledge and repertoire of instructional strategies?
Writing Goals for your IPDP:
· ODE has come up with new guidelines for writing IPDP goals, be sure to follow them carefully.
· Each goal must include four parts (intention to engage in learning; description of an area of knowledge; a rationale and activities)
Suggestions for part 1 (intention to engage in learning):
· I will acquire
· I will investigate
· I will enhance my abilities in teaching
· I will enhance my skills
· I will increase my skills
· I will learn how to
· I will gain knowledge
· I will broaden my spectrum of teaching strategies
· I will seek additional knowledge
· I will develop my skills/knowledge
Suggestions for part 2 (description of an area of knowledge):
· Alternative assessment
· Problem based learning
· Internet as a research tool
· New techniques in special education
· New developments in administration
· New developments in technology as it relates to (subject area)
· New developments in (subject area)
· Collaborative learning
· Differentiated instruction
· Standards based instruction
· Current trends and laws
· Interpreting and using data
· Students with special needs
- (subject area or grade level) students
- Best practices in (elementary, middle or secondary) education
- Social, emotional, physical well-being of students
Suggestions for part 3 (rationale):
· To improve classroom discipline
· To incorporate more connections between core subjects in my classroom
· To improve student learning
· To appropriately adjust instruction to enhance student learning
· To improve use of multiple teaching strategies
· To add an area of licensure
· To obtain/work toward a master’s degree
· To construct effective evaluation instruments
· To apply assessment data to instruction
· To deepen understanding in (subject area)
· To share knowledge with colleagues
Suggestions for part 4 (activities):
· By participating in a variety of PD activities, such as: workshops/conferences, in-house PD, graduate classes/seminars, HPDC approved activities, online training, etc.
(We suggest you use this entire statement for each goal you write - to keep your PD options
Sample IPDP goals:
NOT Adequate |
I am getting my master’s degree. |
I am taking graduate coursework in collaborative learning strategies to implement in my classroom as I work toward my master’s degree. |
I will enhance my teaching knowledge. |
I will enhance my skills in differentiated instruction to improve student learning by attending workshops/conferences and completing any follow up work. |
It is important to take your time and put thought into each goal you write. We now must evaluate your goals with the following rubric and you will have to revise if you don’t score at least “adequate”. It would be a good idea to read through the rubric to be sure you are going to meet the given criteria.
Not only must we evaluate your goals using the rubric - but these goals are what you are setting for your own professional development. Meaning you need to put thought into areas where you want to see self-growth and then seek out the professional development activities which will help you attain these goals.
Once your IPDP has been approved we will send you a copy of it to refer to as you are selecting professional development activities.
*Keep in mind you are able to modify/add goals at any point, but any modifications must be approved prior to the professional development taking place. Any new goals still need to meet the rubric criteria.
*Please come talk to one of us if you have questions about your IPDP or activities and if they will fit into the goals you wrote, we would be happy to help you at any point in this process.
IPDP Rubric
Exemplary or Adequate is required in each standard for the IPDP to be approved. Any standard indicating Needs Revision is returned to the educator for correction.
1. Is the PD purposefully structured to occur over time? Score ___________
EXEMPLARY – 2 points each |
ADEQUATE – 1 point each |
NEEDS REVISION – 0 points |
PD goal(s) clearly align to school/district priorities |
PD goal(s) relate to some of the school/district priorities |
PD goal(s) are not connected to school/district priorities |
PD activities show a continual cycle (planning – implementing – reflecting) |
PD activities are related, showing connections/growth |
None of the PD activities are related |
Includes more than two types of PD activities |
Includes two types of PD activities |
Includes only one type of PD activity |
5-6 Exemplary |
3-4 Adequate |
0-2 Needs Revision |
2. Is the IPDP focus based on an examination of multiple Score ___________
sources of data? (Sources of data include: student demographics, student work, classroom performance, internal/external formative or summative assessment results)
EXEMPLARY – 2 points each |
ADEQUATE – 1 point each |
NEEDS REVISION – 0 points |
PD goals show analysis of multiple sources of data |
PD goals show analysis of a single type of data |
PD goals do not show analysis of any source of data |
PD goals show analysis of this data compared to current practices |
PD goals show limited analysis of this data compared to current practices |
PD goals show no analysis of current practices |
PD goals reflect current research trends/topics |
PD goals somewhat reflect current research trends/topics |
PD goals do not reflect current research trends/topics |
PD goals build upon past goal(s)/ activities |
PD goals make some or limited connection to past goal(s)/activities |
PD goals make no connection to past goal(s)/activities |
7-8 Exemplary |
4-6 Adequate |
0-3 Needs Revision |
3. Does the IPDP provide opportunities to work with Score ___________
other educators? (Points come from each of the following: collaboration, communication & working with a professional learning community)
EXEMPLARY – 2 points each |
ADEQUATE – 1 point each |
NEEDS REVISION – 0 points |
PD goals provide ongoing opportunities for collaboration, communication and work with a professional learning community. |
PD goals include some mention of collaboration, communication, or work with a professional learning community |
PD goals do not include opportunities for collaboration, communication or work with a professional learning community |
5-6 Exemplary |
3-4 Adequate |
0-2 Needs Revision |
4. Does the IPDP meet the needs and experiences of Score ___________
an adult learner?
EXEMPLARY – 2 points each |
ADEQUATE – 1 point each |
NEEDS REVISION – 0 points |
More than 2 types of PD activities |
2 types of PD activity |
Only 1 type of PD activity |
PD activities are clearly matched to goals/needs |
PD activities somewhat match goals/needs |
PD activities do not match goals/needs |
3-4 Exemplary |
2 Adequate |
0-1 Needs Revision |
5. Is a combination of evaluative measures planned to Score ___________
assess the effectiveness of PD over time?
EXEMPLARY – 2 points each |
ADEQUATE – 1 point each |
NEEDS REVISION – 0 points |
Clear explanation of how new knowledge from PD activities will be applied to practice |
Implies that new knowledge gained from PD activities will be applied to practice |
Fails to mention how new knowledge from PD activities will be applied to practice |
Clearly evaluates the effectiveness of PD activities, through discussions with other professionals (including but not limited to HPDC, colleagues, administration) |
Limited discussions about effectiveness of PD activities with other professionals (including but not limited to HPDC, colleagues, administration) |
Fails to discuss the effectiveness of PD activities with other professionals (including but not limited to HPDC, colleagues, administration) |
Clearly explains the expected outcome for improved student achievement from PD activity |
Improved student achievement from educator’s PD activity is implied |
Fails to mention how student achievement will benefit from educator’s PD activities |
5-6 Exemplary |
3-4 Adequate |
0-2 Needs Revision |
6. Does the IPDP advance the educator’s content knowledge Score ___________
and repertoire of instructional strategies?
EXEMPLARY – 2 points each |
ADEQUATE – 1 point each |
NEEDS REVISION – 0 points |
PD activities clearly align with national/state or district curriculum priorities |
PD activities are somewhat tied to national/state or district curriculum priorities |
PD activities are not tied to national/state or district curriculum priorities |
PD activities are clearly aligned with current “best practices” |
PD activities are somewhat aligned with current “best practices” |
PD activities are not aligned with current “best practices” |
PD activities clearly consider the diverse nature of today’s students |
PD activities show some consideration for the diverse nature of today’s students |
PD activities do not address the diverse nature of today’s students |
PD activities clearly show the importance of engaging students, families and communities in the learning process |
PD activities somewhat show the importance of engaging students, families and communities in the learning process |
PD activities fail to show the importance of engaging students, families and communities in the learning process |
7-8 Exemplary |
4-6 Adequate |
0-3 Needs Revision |